Tang Long

Primary Roles:
Audio Recording
Directed by Tina Zong, co-edited with Yufeng Zhao
Cinematography by Yufeng Zhao
Produced by Ziwei Liu and Joyce Wang


Tang Long (2019) is a short documentary film. The film takes Tang Long, a 40-year-old homosexual man who lives in Shanghai as the entry point, aiming to present one side of middle-aged LGBTQ people’s lives in Shanghai. The film tracks Tang Long and his male partner’s ordinary summer life at home, in a suburb area of Shanghai, and tells their life stories.

A Dean’s Undergraduate Research Funding project at New York University Shanghai.
All copyrights reserved.

Screened at
CRITICA Arts For People Festival 2019, Shanghai
CINEMQ 28: KIN, Shanghai https://www.cinemq.com